In the world of games, some companies are producing heart snatching games from the last few decades. No doubt, Rockstar games are one of them and the most valuable game created by this company is GTA. GTA series is famous world-wide, and a large number of people are addicted to this game. GTA vice city started winning people’s hearts from 2002, and the other parts of GTA are playing the same role. 

GTA 5 was the biggest project of Rockstar games, and the company sold 101 million copies of it. GTA 5 was released in 2013, and it made a large business in a short period of time. It has been noticed that Rockstar games take 7 to 8 years to release a game. Now people are expecting GTA VI to be released soon in the coming years. Well, a lot of rumors are spread in the market regarding GTA 6 that is making the gamers confused. 

Multiple gaming channels on YouTube have revealed the map of GTA 6. Some YouTubers say that the map of the GTA 6 will be the same as the GTA 5. Some of them also stated that the map of the upcoming GTA would lie from vice city to Rio de Janeiro. Well, all of these guesses are just the rumors because the Rockstar games give none of the hints about GTA VI map.  Another fake news that is teasing the world is the storyline of the game. It has been stated by someone that GTA VI will hold the storyline of the drug lord with the inspiration of Netflix’s Narcos series. The story will be divided into chapters, and each section will be much more difficult to be completed, just like RDR2. The soundtrack of the game will be of the 60s and 70s, and the jury will also be a part of it.  The codename for GTA 6 is PROJECT AMERICA. The most interesting rumor is the release date of the game. It has been declared at multiple spots that GTA 6 will enter the world of sports in 2022 or 2023. The game will cast both arcade and realism. There are two leading characters of the game, Ricardo and Kacey. The game will also cast new locations and buildings, such as a Giant prison that will be a part of the game missions.  Another rumor leaked is that GTA 6 will not run on the consoles; it will be available only for the PCs. 


In conclusion, there is much fake news spread regarding the upcoming game, GTA 6. Social media and Youtubers are the main reason behind these rumors. In this article, we have discussed some of the main rumors that are making the audience fool about GTA 6.  

The competitors are also involved in them so that they can drop the rating of the game. Every time Rockstar games bring something new in the gaming market, and, surely, this time they will set a new record by the release of the GTA 6. 

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