Sonic the Hedgehog has already earned over $145 million in the American box office. Thus, the movie broke the previous Pokémon Detective Pikachu record and became the most successful adaptation of the game in history on this market.

Sonic movie. Lightning fast (Sonic the Hedgehog) has become the most profitable adaptation of the game in the history of American cinemas. In this market, production has already earned $145.9 million, breaking the result of previous record holder in the form of Pokémon Detective Pikachu, which obtained $ 144.1 million. The dominance of the blue hedgehog, however, only applies to the US market. In the global box office, it ranks fourth with a result of USD 306.6 million. In this category, he loses not only with Pokémon Detective Pikachu, who can boast of $ 433 million, but also with Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (312 million). Warcraft: Origins remains the leader (439 million).

It is worth noting that the impressive Sonic the Hedgehog result would have been much higher were it not for the threat of coronavirus. In Western countries, this resulted in a decrease in revenues in the final period of cinema distribution, but above all production did not debut at all in China. The prime minister has been postponed in this territory and it is not yet known when it will take place. Still, the filmmakers have reason to be satisfied.

Initially, the film was supposed to debut in November last year, which would force Sonic to compete directly with the Frozen 2. However, the first trailer was received so badly because of the terrible appearance of the main character that it was decided to delay the premiere for many months, in order to completely change the project of the hedgehog . The rework increased costs, but proved to be a good decision. The new look of the character was not only received much warmer, but when the film hit theatres in February, its only serious competition were Birds of Prey, which are not only adult production, but also did worse in the box office than expected.


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